Laleston Gardening Club



Latest Club Improvements


The rear of the cottage has had a roof repair and lead flashing renewed.

It has been painted and window sill renewed. New emergency lighting installed and upstairs room refurbished at a cost just slightly in excess of £1,000.
Windows Project 2021-2024
Window project now complete 10 windows replaced at a cost of £20,000. £13,000 obtained in grants from National Lottery Community Fund and Sun Credit solar farm organisation via BAVO. The remaining £7,000 was met through our fund raising efforts here at the Gardening Club.

We have recently installed new heaters in the main hall, transferred one of the original heaters to the old kitchen and installed a log effect fire in the hearth which was kindly donated by Mr Richard Worgan. The Club has paid just a little in excess of £2,000 to upgrade the heaters and install the appropriate wiring.