Laleston Gardening Club


Lectures and Meetings

Current Schedule (2024)

(apart from July, August, September and December)

meetings start at 7:30pm


Garden Club Lectures & Meetings

Please note lectures are held January to November only

14th October 2024 7:30pm
Flower Grower & Florist
Rhiannon Clarke

11th November 2024 7:30pm
Quiz & Social Night

13th January 2025 7:30pm
Fonmon Apiary
Harold Williams

10th February 2025 7:30pm
Mark Ashton

10th March 2025 7:30pm
12 months in the life of Bute Park
Kevin Thomas

14th April 2025 7:30pm
Summer Bulbs
Rob Evans

12th May 2025 7:30pm
Kenfig Nature Reserve Part II
Chris Jones

9th June 2025 7:30pm
Gardens of Wales
Sheena Crossley

Garden Club Events

Summer BBQ
27th July 2024

Annual Horticultural Show
10th August 2024 2pm

Harvest Supper
20th September 2024

Club AGM
4th October 2024

Garden Club Trips 2024

Please note booking is required Please contact Margaret Worgan

A list of our forthcoming trips can be found here


Ladies Section Meetings

Ladies Section
First and third Tuesday of each month
at 7:30pm


Ladies Section Events

AGM Ladies Section
1st October 2024

12th October 2024 at 10am
Macmillan Coffee Morning & Stall
Ticket only event

November 2024
Christmas Fundraiser

December 2024
Christmas Dinner